About Alyssa Burns Communications

I grew up in a family of journalists. My mother went to Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism when only five (5) out of 50 people in the class were women. She served on the Pulitzer Prize Committee and was a member of the Women’s Press Club of New York City. My father’s entire career was in the newspaper business. He was an engaging storyteller. Dinner conversations revolved around current events, what books we were reading and our constant craving for knowledge. I liked asking questions, finding out what made people “tick,” and became an active listener at a young age.

I was instilled with a passion for learning that has since led me to the most extraordinary times of my life; my college years at the University of Michigan, my professional career in communications at leading companies like Edelman and Kraft Foods, and my continuing travels around the world. All of these experiences have added to my knowledge and perspective and have helped shape my communications consulting business, allowing me to better advise business owners and senior executives on communication strategy and execution.

Along the way, I’ve learned how to lead and inspire others. I joined the University of Michigan’s Alumni Program, leading the Chicago chapter to a national fundraising record. I joined the Professional Women’s Club of Chicago, served on the Board, and led the organization as President. I also designed and led a mentorship program for PWCC members that continues to this day. Many of the women I’ve mentored have since become good friends.

In addition, I am a highly-rated Adjunct Professor in Loyola University Chicago’s Department of Communications, and Winner of First Runner Up of the prestigious Part-Time Faculty Teaching Award in 2022, a recognition by my peers and one of the highest rewards a faculty member can receive. Courses I have taught include Public Relations Writing, Principles of Public Relations, Business & Professional Speaking, Ethics & Communication and Principles of Advertising. I am passionate about sharing my real-world knowledge with students and learn just as much from them as they learn from me.

I’m also a Founding Member/Community Partner of 18 Coffees, a community-driven digital strategy consultancy. 18 Coffees believes the future belongs to mission-driven companies. Clients include early-stage innovators, socially conscious brands, and forward-focused impact leaders.

In 2013, I decided to open my own shop, and I love what I do. Many of my clients see me as an extension of their internal teams and include me in ongoing strategy discussions, planning and implementation of overall brand campaigns. Best of all, I get to work with clients I like, and who like me. Words can’t tell the full story on my unique approach. It requires a conversation. I welcome you to contact me to get things started.